Who is an Ideal Candidate for Invisalign?

Minneapolis, MN – Invisalign is an amazing technology that offers orthodontic patients incredible benefits. It’s a unique approach to orthodontic treatment because the clear plastic aligners are comfortable and removable, offering little interference in your daily life. But not everyone will be a candidate for Invisalign treatment. Your Minneapolis orthodontist explains who is an ideal candidate for the treatment.

“We’re seeing Invisalign offered by other providers, and more patients are asking for it,” says the St. Paul Invisalign provider. “I’m not surprised it’s so popular – its benefits are pretty wonderful, and it’s a great option for people who’d like to straighten their teeth more discretely. But, it’s not an ideal treatment for every orthodontic patient.”

The only way to determine if Invisalign will be right for you is through a consultation with Dr. Eisenhuth. She’ll be able to diagnose the issue facing you, and recommend the ideal treatment to provide the best results. She offers this advice to help patients better understand Invisalign.

First, Dr. Eisenhuth will determine what your unique orthodontic issue is. Invisalign is wonderful for treating minor cases, but if you have a severe issue, Invisalign most likely won’t be right for you. If you have a large overbite, for instance, a more advanced treatment will be required to adjust the position of your jaw.

Invisalign can correct gaps, crowded teeth, and minor overbites, underbites and crossbites. However, issues Invisalign may not be able to treat include:

  • Teeth that are severely rotated or tipped
  • Spaces that are too large
  • Skeletally based malocclusions and open bites

The shape of your teeth could also prevent you from being a candidate for Invisalign. The success of Invisalign depends on the force the aligners place on the teeth to gently guide them into their ideal locations. But some patients may have teeth that are shaped in a way that will interfere with the aligner/tooth relationship, thereby preventing the aligners from working effectively.

Your age will also be taken into account. Invisalign is a great option for older teens and adults, adolescents are not ideal candidates because their teeth are still growing. We’re seeing more teens and adults interested in the treatment because of its low profile and ease of use.

The success of your treatment with Invisalign depends on you. The aligners can be removed, but should only be removed when eating, drinking and brushing and flossing. To work properly, they must be worn the recommended amount of time each day. Otherwise, your teeth won’t move as your orthodontist planned.

Your teeth and mouth must be in ideal health before beginning Invisalign treatment. And you must be dedicated to maintaining a good oral hygiene routine during treatment, as well. Your series of aligners will be created before your treatment begins, and having any sort of dental work or restoration performed while you’re in treatment can alter the fit of the aligners, hampering their ability to work properly.

Invisalign is a wonderful treatment option that offers excellent benefits to many orthodontic patients. To determine if you are an ideal candidate, call 651-406-8100 to schedule a consultation with your doctor today. She will work with you to create a custom treatment plan that takes into account your goals, and will offer the beautiful and properly functioning smile of your dreams.

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