Minneapolis, MN: When it comes to aligning your smile, there are two major options nowadays: braces and invisible aligners. While each one has its own pros and cons, one major consideration is likely the cost involved.
Your Minneapolis Invisalign Premier Provider, notes, “Since each person’s situation is different when it comes to aligning his or her teeth, the variables are nearly endless. One piece of positive news, though, is that both braces and Invisalign are more affordable than ever!”
Costs Will Vary
No matter whether you choose traditional metal braces or Invisalign, there will always be varied costs for each case. Some factors affecting price include:
- Location: If you live in a large city or rural area, expect to pay a bit more for treatment.
- Insurance: As with other forms of health insurance, dental coverage can vary greatly from provider to provider. It’s always best to directly contact your insurance company for the best idea of what your treatment will cost you. On average, no matter which treatment you choose, your insurance may cover up to 50% of treatment.
- Provider: Choosing a novice over an Invisalign Elite Provider will be cheaper, but you run the risk of losing quality in the long run.
- Complexity: If your teeth are basically straight with the odd tooth out of line, that will be much less expensive to treat than someone who needs extensive work done.
- Repairs/replacements: If parts of your braces are damaged, or you lose an Invisalign tray, that can increase the cost each time such an event occurs.
- Follow-up treatment: When the braces come off, or the Invisalign trays are finished, there will likely be more care (e.g., retainers) involved.
How Much Do Traditional Braces Typically Cost?
The above variances notwithstanding, metal braces range from $2500-$6000. There are several kinds of braces, however, each with its own price range:
- Ceramic braces cost approximately $6500.
- Lingual braces can range between $8000-$15,000 on average.
- Metal braces, as mentioned above, average about $5500-6000.
How Much Does Invisalign Cost on Average?
As noted with the price quotes for braces, invisible aligner costs also vary greatly. However, Invisalign costs between $3000-$8000. Luckily, most dental insurance policies now cover Invisalign and similar treatments the same way they do for metal braces.
For more information specifically on these costs, there is an Invisalign Cost Calculator available on the official Invisalign website.
Financing Options
If the figures above seem startling, don’t fear: many Invisalign and braces providers offer financing to help patients pay for their treatment. If your insurance doesn’t cover the entire cost, most orthodontists will be happy to find a plan that works for you. It’s a good idea to talk with a qualified Invisalign provider to see how her office can work with you to make your perfect smile an affordable reality.
A Final Word
Please note that neither Invisalign nor traditional metal braces are appropriate treatments for everyone. Some cases cannot be solved with Invisalign or braces alone. It’s absolutely essential that you consult with an experienced dental professional before beginning any alignment treatment. That way, you can ensure that your outcome –both financially and medically—is as good as it possibly can be.
If you’d like to see what your smile alignment options are, schedule a free consultation with your ORTHODONTIST today! You can also call us at 651.447.6768, or visit our Minneapolis/St. Paul-area office at your convenience.
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